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HOME > Product search results > Code No. TB-0164-1 HLA-A*02:01 EZH2 Tetramer-YMCSFLFNL-PE

Code No. TB-0164-1

HLA-A*02:01 EZH2 Tetramer-YMCSFLFNL-PE

Availability (in Japan)

(Contact us)

(In Japan at 17:33,
Apr 26, 2024 in JST)


50 tests

Class Class I Animal species Human
Category cancer
Conjugate PE
Immunogen (Antigen) EZH2
MHC Allele A*02:01
Location (aa) 666-674 Storage temp. 4°C Manufacturer MBL International Corporation
Product category
Research area
MHC tetramer

  • The availability is based on the information in Japan at 17:33, Apr 26, 2024 in JST.
  • The special price is shown in red color.
  • Please note that products cannot be ordered from this website. To purchase the items listed in this website, please contact us or local distributers.
  • For storage temparature: RT: room temparature
  • Please note that products in this website might be changed or discontinued without notification in advance for quality improvement.